
Considering Enrolment at Farrer

Enrolling/Transferring - ACT Public Schools

Visit the Education website at www.education.act.gov.au for more information and to enrol using the online enrolment form

Parents/carers are welcome to apply to enrol/transfer their child at any time during the school year using an online application form. Full details are available from the Education website.

Farrer Primary School and Preschool welcomes all students from the suburb of Farrer and parts of Isaacs as identified in our priority enrolment area. You can find maps and information regarding PEAs at our DET website.

All prospective enrolments, new families and out-of-area families are encouraged to make an appointment with our Principal to discuss their request to attend Farrer Primary School. Acceptance of out-of-area students is made at the discretion of the Principal and is made dependant on school capacity, class sizes, and the schools projection of success for the student and their place on our out-of area- waiting list. We encourage you to pop into our front office, collect an Enrolment Pack and make an appointment with our Principal.

Families are encouraged to contact the school for more information including the Farrer Primary Enrolment Protocol

Contact us.

DET Enrolment Policy

Farrer Primary School handbook 2023

Preschool enrolment

Farrer Preschool handbook 2024