P&C Kids Kitchen

Hello from the P&C Kids Kitchen at Farrer Primary School

Our canteen is open 3 days per week, (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) for K-6 students for online lunch and recess orders and counter service at both lunch and recess.  Preschool students can access the online lunch menu on a Wednesday only.

Our Year 6 Hospitality Team students assist in the canteen at lunch and recess by serving their fellow students. This gives them the chance to build skills in customer service, food handling and hygiene, maths, communication, teamwork and the all-important cleaning up!

Our Menu

Nourishing our children's health by providing healthy canteen food and drinks is a priority for our school community. The Kids Kitchen offers a delicious and healthy menu. Many foods on our menu are made from fresh ingredients and where possible, we use the produce grown in our Environment Centre garden.

The Kids Kitchen follows the Nutrition Australia, National Healthy School Canteen Guidelines. Our menu adheres to the "traffic light" system, which is used to categorise food based on Australian Dietary Guidelines. We offer only GREEN and AMBER items on our menu.

If your child has special dietary requirements, food allergies or food sensitivities please contact us, we will do our best to meet their needs.

To help reduce food waste we limit the amount of hot food we sell over the counter. Counter service is predominantly for snacks and drinks. We add special seasonal items to our menu each term. We also run a special meal deal each term.

To view our current menu please register with Spriggy Schools https://www.spriggyschools.com.au and select either Farrer Primary School or Farrer Pre-School.

Keep an eye out for canteen news, specials and updates in the school newsletter and on the School and Farrer P&C social media platforms.

Online Ordering

To order lunch from the canteen you’ll need to download the Spriggy Schools app.

Setting up your account is easy and allows you to order at your own convenience.

The cut-off for orders is strictly 8.30am on the day the order is to be delivered.

Helping in our canteen

Our Canteen Manager is employed by the Farrer P&C but the viability of the school canteen relies on parents volunteering their time to assist.

You can volunteer for half an hour or half a day: you are always welcome and appreciated.  If you’re interested in helping contact us via email.  Regular volunteers will need a Working with Vulnerable People (WwVP) card.

You can also help by donating some non-perishable goods from your weekly shop or a Woolworths gift card. Please see attached shopping list.

Canteen Committee

The operations of the canteen are managed by a member of the Farrer P&C Association and a sub-committee made up of parent volunteers. The sub-committee meets twice each term and new members are welcome.

Contact Details

Telephone: 02 6142 0868 Email: thekidskitchenfarrer@gmail.com

Or pop into the canteen anytime we’re open.

Job Opportunity

The FPS P&C Canteen Is looking for a casual canteen assistant (or two). Could this be you?

The duty statement can be found here.

A template for responses can be found here.

If you have any questions, please send them to farrerps.communityassociation@gmail.com